8 Expressions [expr]

8.20 Constant expressions [expr.const]

Certain contexts require expressions that satisfy additional requirements as detailed in this subclause; other contexts have different semantics depending on whether or not an expression satisfies these requirements.
Expressions that satisfy these requirements, assuming that copy elision is performed, are called constant expressions.
Constant expressions can be evaluated during translation.
end note
An expression e is a core constant expression unless the evaluation of e, following the rules of the abstract machine ([intro.execution]), would evaluate one of the following expressions:
  • this ([expr.prim.this]), except in a constexpr function or a constexpr constructor that is being evaluated as part of e;
  • an invocation of a function other than a constexpr constructor for a literal class, a constexpr function, or an implicit invocation of a trivial destructor ([class.dtor])
    Overload resolution ([over.match]) is applied as usual
    end note
  • an invocation of an undefined constexpr function or an undefined constexpr constructor;
  • an invocation of an instantiated constexpr function or constexpr constructor that fails to satisfy the requirements for a constexpr function or constexpr constructor ([dcl.constexpr]);
  • an expression that would exceed the implementation-defined limits (see Annex [implimits]);
  • an operation that would have undefined behavior as specified in Clauses [intro] through [cpp] of this International Standard
    including, for example, signed integer overflow (Clause [expr]), certain pointer arithmetic ([expr.add]), division by zero ([expr.mul]), or certain shift operations ([expr.shift])
    end note
  • an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion ([conv.lval]) unless it is applied to
    • a non-volatile glvalue of integral or enumeration type that refers to a complete non-volatile const object with a preceding initialization, initialized with a constant expression, or
    • a non-volatile glvalue that refers to a subobject of a string literal ([lex.string]), or
    • a non-volatile glvalue that refers to a non-volatile object defined with constexpr, or that refers to a non-mutable subobject of such an object, or
    • a non-volatile glvalue of literal type that refers to a non-volatile object whose lifetime began within the evaluation of e;
  • an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion ([conv.lval]) that is applied to a glvalue that refers to a non-active member of a union or a subobject thereof;
  • an invocation of an implicitly-defined copy/move constructor or copy/move assignment operator for a union whose active member (if any) is mutable, unless the lifetime of the union object began within the evaluation of e;
  • an assignment expression ([expr.ass]) or invocation of an assignment operator ([class.copy]) that would change the active member of a union;
  • an id-expression that refers to a variable or data member of reference type unless the reference has a preceding initialization and either
    • it is initialized with a constant expression or
    • its lifetime began within the evaluation of e;
  • in a lambda-expression, a reference to this or to a variable with automatic storage duration defined outside that lambda-expression, where the reference would be an odr-use ([basic.def.odr], [expr.prim.lambda]);
    void g() {
      const int n = 0;
      [=] {
        constexpr int i = n;   // OK, n is not odr-used and not captured here
        constexpr int j = *&n; // ill-formed, &n would be an odr-use of n
    end example
    If the odr-use occurs in an invocation of a function call operator of a closure type, it no longer refers to this or to an enclosing automatic variable due to the transformation ([expr.prim.lambda.capture]) of the id-expression into an access of the corresponding data member.
    auto monad = [](auto v) { return [=] { return v; }; };
    auto bind = [](auto m) {
      return [=](auto fvm) { return fvm(m()); };
    // OK to have captures to automatic objects created during constant expression evaluation.
    static_assert(bind(monad(2))(monad)() == monad(2)());
    end example
    end note
  • a conversion from type cv void* to a pointer-to-object type;
  • a dynamic cast ([expr.dynamic.cast]);
  • a reinterpret_­cast ([expr.reinterpret.cast]);
  • a pseudo-destructor call ([expr.pseudo]);
  • modification of an object ([expr.ass], [expr.post.incr], [expr.pre.incr]) unless it is applied to a non-volatile lvalue of literal type that refers to a non-volatile object whose lifetime began within the evaluation of e;
  • a typeid expression ([expr.typeid]) whose operand is a glvalue of a polymorphic class type;
  • a relational ([expr.rel]) or equality ([expr.eq]) operator where the result is unspecified; or
If e satisfies the constraints of a core constant expression, but evaluation of e would evaluate an operation that has undefined behavior as specified in Clauses [library] through [thread] of this International Standard, it is unspecified whether e is a core constant expression.
int x;                              // not constant
struct A {
  constexpr A(bool b) : m(b?42:x) { }
  int m;
constexpr int v = A(true).m;        // OK: constructor call initializes m with the value 42

constexpr int w = A(false).m;       // error: initializer for m is x, which is non-constant

constexpr int f1(int k) {
  constexpr int x = k;              // error: x is not initialized by a constant expression
                                    // because lifetime of k began outside the initializer of x
  return x;
constexpr int f2(int k) {
  int x = k;                        // OK: not required to be a constant expression
                                    // because x is not constexpr
  return x;

constexpr int incr(int &n) {
  return ++n;
constexpr int g(int k) {
  constexpr int x = incr(k);        // error: incr(k) is not a core constant expression
                                    // because lifetime of k began outside the expression incr(k)
  return x;
constexpr int h(int k) {
  int x = incr(k);                  // OK: incr(k) is not required to be a core constant expression
  return x;
constexpr int y = h(1);             // OK: initializes y with the value 2
                                    // h(1) is a core constant expression because
                                    // the lifetime of k begins inside h(1)
end example
An integral constant expression is an expression of integral or unscoped enumeration type, implicitly converted to a prvalue, where the converted expression is a core constant expression.
Such expressions may be used as bit-field lengths ([class.bit]), as enumerator initializers if the underlying type is not fixed ([dcl.enum]), and as alignments ([dcl.align]).
end note
A converted constant expression of type T is an expression, implicitly converted to type T, where the converted expression is a constant expression and the implicit conversion sequence contains only
and where the reference binding (if any) binds directly.
Such expressions may be used in new expressions ([expr.new]), as case expressions ([stmt.switch]), as enumerator initializers if the underlying type is fixed ([dcl.enum]), as array bounds ([dcl.array]), and as non-type template arguments ([temp.arg]).
end note
A contextually converted constant expression of type bool is an expression, contextually converted to bool (Clause[conv]), where the converted expression is a constant expression and the conversion sequence contains only the conversions above.
A constant expression is either a glvalue core constant expression that refers to an entity that is a permitted result of a constant expression (as defined below), or a prvalue core constant expression whose value satisfies the following constraints:
  • if the value is an object of class type, each non-static data member of reference type refers to an entity that is a permitted result of a constant expression,
  • if the value is of pointer type, it contains the address of an object with static storage duration, the address past the end of such an object ([expr.add]), the address of a function, or a null pointer value, and
  • if the value is an object of class or array type, each subobject satisfies these constraints for the value.
An entity is a permitted result of a constant expression if it is an object with static storage duration that is either not a temporary object or is a temporary object whose value satisfies the above constraints, or it is a function.
Since this International Standard imposes no restrictions on the accuracy of floating-point operations, it is unspecified whether the evaluation of a floating-point expression during translation yields the same result as the evaluation of the same expression (or the same operations on the same values) during program execution.89
bool f() {
    char array[1 + int(1 + 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.1)];  // Must be evaluated during translation
    int size = 1 + int(1 + 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.1);   // May be evaluated at runtime
    return sizeof(array) == size;
It is unspecified whether the value of f() will be true or false.
end example
end note
If an expression of literal class type is used in a context where an integral constant expression is required, then that expression is contextually implicitly converted (Clause [conv]) to an integral or unscoped enumeration type and the selected conversion function shall be constexpr.
struct A {
  constexpr A(int i) : val(i) { }
  constexpr operator int() const { return val; }
  constexpr operator long() const { return 43; }
  int val;
template<int> struct X { };
constexpr A a = 42;
X<a> x;             // OK: unique conversion to int
int ary[a];         // error: ambiguous conversion
end example
Nonetheless, implementations are encouraged to provide consistent results, irrespective of whether the evaluation was performed during translation and/or during program execution.