30 Input/output library [input.output]

30.10 File systems [filesystems]

30.10.8 Class path [fs.class.path] path members [fs.path.member] path decomposition [fs.path.decompose]

path root_name() const;
Returns: root-name, if the pathname in the generic format includes root-name, otherwise path().
path root_directory() const;
Returns: root-directory, if the pathname in the generic format includes root-directory, otherwise path().
path root_path() const;
Returns: root_­name() / root_­directory().
path relative_path() const;
Returns: A path composed from the pathname in the generic format, if !empty(), beginning with the first filename after root-path.
Otherwise, path().
path parent_path() const;
Returns: *this if !has_­relative_­path(), otherwise a path whose generic format pathname is the longest prefix of the generic format pathname of *this that produces one fewer element in its iteration.
path filename() const;
Returns: relative_­path().empty() ? path() : *--end().
path("/foo/bar.txt").filename();   // yields "bar.txt"
path("/foo/bar").filename();       // yields "bar"
path("/foo/bar/").filename();      // yields ""
path("/").filename();              // yields ""
path("//host").filename();         // yields ""
path(".").filename();              // yields "."
path("..").filename();             // yields ".."
end example
path stem() const;
Returns: Let f be the generic format pathname of filename().
Returns a path whose pathname in the generic format is
  • f, if it contains no periods other than a leading period or consists solely of one or two periods;
  • otherwise, the prefix of f ending before its last period.
std::cout << path("/foo/bar.txt").stem(); // outputs "bar"
path p = "foo.bar.baz.tar";
for (; !p.extension().empty(); p = p.stem())
  std::cout << p.extension() << '\n';
  // outputs: .tar
  //          .baz
  //          .bar
end example
path extension() const;
Returns: a path whose pathname in the generic format is the suffix of filename() not included in stem().
path("/foo/bar.txt").extension();  // yields ".txt" and stem() is "bar"
path("/foo/bar").extension();      // yields "" and stem() is "bar"
path("/foo/.profile").extension(); // yields "" and stem() is ".profile"
path(".bar").extension();          // yields "" and stem() is ".bar"
path("..bar").extension();         // yields ".bar" and stem() is "."
end example
The period is included in the return value so that it is possible to distinguish between no extension and an empty extension.
end note
On non-POSIX operating systems, for a path p, it may not be the case that p.stem() + p.extension() == p.filename(), even though the generic format pathnames are the same.
end note